- Accessori Tavola
- Bicchieri e Calici
- Gourmet
- Porcellana e Bamboo
- Gourmet
- Porcelain and Bamboo
- Posateria
- Servizi di Piatti & Co.
- Tazze e Mug
- Vassoi e Sottopiatti

The satisfaction of a refined table: who doesn't dream about a wonderful banquet for many guests or for a romantic dinner? With new Brandani Oblio collection you will impart style and sophistication. You can easily put Oblio collection in every background, from modern to old-looking: the result will be wonderful in every circumstance! The champagne glasses, in refined glass, will triumph in your table with loveliness , creating a well-finished scenoghraphy that will astonish your table mates.
The satisfaction of a refined table: who doesn't dream about a wonderful banquet for many guests or for a romantic dinner? With new Brandani Oblio collection you will impart style and sophistication. You can easily put Oblio collection in every background, from modern to old-looking: the result will be wonderful in every circumstance! The glasses, in refined glass, will triumph in your table with loveliness , creating a well-finished scenoghraphy that will astonish your table mates.
The satisfaction of a refined table: who doesn't dream about a wonderful banquet for many guests or for a romantic dinner? With new Brandani Oblio collection you will impart style and sophistication. You can easily put Oblio collection in every background, from modern to old-looking: the result will be wonderful in every circumstance! The wine glasses, in refined glass, will triumph in your table with loveliness , creating a well-finished scenoghraphy that will astonish your table mates.
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